15 +

Years of Experiences

About Company

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Sama Hourabi is a law firm with the majority of experience in its team, and we have worked for many years nationally and globally in areas including a wide range of deals, litigation, corporate and regulatory affairs. Our team is a believer in fairness and we are very committed to this belief. Our vision is to build a justice empire from the place where the first form of law was created. Sama Hurabi, where history is repeated with a future vision.


Years of experience


Statements in Various Cases


Cases in the Federal Court


happy clients


Cooperation with companies


Decisions in favor of the company


Permanent clients


Cooperation with official and unofficial institutions

Company History

Year of Company Establishment

The company was established by the Managing Director, Lawyer (Mohammed Majeed Al-Saedi) and became the first law firm in Iraq.

Fighting terrorism through the judiciary

2010 Winning many successful decisions against armed groups and terrorist militias and defeating terrorism through the judiciary.

Filing lawsuits against operating oil companies and cancelling their illegal contracts

2011 Filing lawsuits against operating oil companies in the Kurdistan Region and cancelling oil contracts outside the legal framework of the central government.

Obtaining a letter of thanks from the House of Representatives for defending all segments of the people and working without compensation

2012 The Managing Director, Lawyer (Mohammed Majeed Al-Saadi), received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the House of Representatives in appreciation of his efforts in volunteering to defend the right, support the oppressed, and defend all segments of the people without financial compensation. He is considered the only lawyer to receive this letter.

The company joined the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

2013 The company joined the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative as a legal advisor, headed by the Secretary-General of the Council, the Minister of Oil, and the Chairman of the Energy Committee.

Achieving equality among the people

2014 Representing the Turkmen component in Iraq before the Federal Supreme Court regarding the exercise of their rights as a component of the Iraqi people and not a minority.

Cancellation of multiple nationalities for sovereign and security positions in the Iraqi government

2015 Federal Supreme Court lawsuit filed to enforce the inadmissibility of multiple nationalities for those holding a sovereign or security position in the Iraqi government.

Assignment to supervise the Ministry of Industry

2016 The company was assigned by the Minister of Industry (Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani) later Prime Minister to supervise the work of the Legal Department in the Ministry of Industry and to represent the losing companies in all their cases

Winning decisions in favor of Italian companies to return all their financial dues from the Ministry of Oil.

Thanks from the House of Representatives after obtaining the first

2017 The Managing Director, Lawyer (Mohammed Majeed Al-Saedi), received a letter of thanks and appreciation as the second lawyer after obtaining the first in appreciation of his distinguished efforts to issue Law No. (48) of 2017 in service of union and professional work.

Cancellation of the House of Representatives’ retirement salaries

2018 Cancellation of the House of Representatives’ retirement salaries and all the privileges they granted themselves under the House of Representatives Law according to Article (13)

And his receipt of the Pioneers’ Necklace on Lawyer’s Day from the Bar Association.

Receiving the Shield of Appreciation from the President of the Federal Court

2019 Managing Director Mohammed Majeed Al-Saadi received the Shield of Appreciation from the President of the Federal Supreme Court for his contribution to filing national constitutional lawsuits. Large sums of money amounting to more than (418,000,000) billion dinars were recovered for the benefit of the people.

Filing lawsuits against mobile phone companies and the Communications and Media Commission

2020 Filing a lawsuit on behalf of his client, MP (Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani), the current Prime Minister, regarding non-payment of taxes, subscriptions and fees against mobile phone companies and the Communications and Media Commission.

Filing a lawsuit to cancel the House of Representatives elections before the Federal Supreme Court

2021 The company filed a lawsuit to cancel the House of Representatives elections before the Federal Supreme Court and the unconstitutionality of the elections and the cancellation of the winners’ shares outside the legal framework.

Proxy for a segment of oppressed retirees and equalizing them with their peers

2022 Won a decision in favor of retirees of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to equalize them with their peers in the rest of the governorates of Iraq in terms of salary and privileges and received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the Kurdistan Region Retirees Committee

Representing minorities and their equality with the people

2023 Representing the Yazidi sect and the Christian component in a lawsuit related to the rights and freedoms of minorities in Iraq and achieving equality among the individuals of the Iraqi people with its various components.

Our company has become one of the leading companies in the field of law

2024 Sama Hammurabi Law Firm and Legal Consultations has become one of the first and leading companies in the field of law at several levels, including local, international and national.